Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Welcome to the course blog on Internet Linguistics. The purpose of this course is to develop answers to the following two questions: 
  1. How has language and human to human or human to computer interaction changed in response to digital technologies?
  2. What linguistic questions can be asked as a result of having so much recorded text?

In the course of answering these questions, we will also develop answers to these questions:

  • What does lol really mean?
  • Is texting killing language?
  • Can you abbreviate anything?
  • Is digital communication talking or writing?
  • Should people never say ‘slash’ or ‘hashtag’?
  • Does technology bring us together or tear us apart?
  • Why are there so many miscommunications via email?
  • Why do we feel so insulted when someone ignores a text?
  • Does punctuation have more meaning in a text or fb post?
  • #Whatsupwithhashtags?!?!

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